
Natural Health
Chiropractic & Acupuncture

3405 North Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, Iowa 50023

Phone: (515) 964-5404 | Fax: (515) 964-1606

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Follow Natural Health

Your body wants to be healthy; it has an amazing power to heal itself.  When you allow for body to be aligned properly with chiropractic and acupuncture care you also allow your body to function correctly, giving yourself the right tools to be healthy, naturally!

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractors do more than just help relieve pain symptoms: Chiropractic is about optimizing your overall health by restoring normal function within the nervous system.

Dr. Jennifer uses a hands-on approach to healing.  The innovative “Specific Prone” technique is a light, gentle adjustment and has outstanding results.  The vertebrae (spinal bones) move 14 different directions and can compress 1.2 million nerves, so regular chiropractic adjustments are vital to overall health. 

At Natural Health, we believe in the body's natural ability to heal itself. The nervous system governs everything the body does, from movements to thoughts. Subluxations, or spinal misalignments, interfere with this "information super-highway" of nerves and lead to dysfunction throughout the body. 

Chiropractic care does not rely on the use of drugs; rather, we focus treatment on the source of the issue by a series of adjustments. We also strongly urge patients to take an active role in their healing through maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising.

Chiropractic can treat not only back and neck pain, but can also serve as treatment for other ailments such as headaches, PMS, allergies, arthritis, stress, fatigue, skin conditions, asthma/allergies and much more. Other common treatments include sports injuries, auto accident injuries, infertility, menopause, and pregnancy care.

Acupuncture Care
Acupuncture is one of the oldest types of medicinal treatment known to mankind. The Chinese began using acupuncture over 4,000 years ago, and it has been the subject of continuous study and clinical experience since that time. We believe that combining acupuncture with chiropractic care allows the patient to reach optimal results more effectively.

Dr. Jennifer uses both needles and needle-less (electrical) forms of acupuncture in the office. Most commonly we treat with electrical acupuncture, which we have found to be the most efficient and effective for most of our patients.  Acupuncture restores and balances the body’s natural energy of the body called “Qi” pronounced “Chi.” Dr. Jennifer has many patients who she treats for a variety of conditions; addictions, depression, menopause, infertility, skin conditions, and weight loss and so much more!

Remember, there are over 2,000 different conditions we can help with. So, if you can't find your specific condition, contact us at (515) 964-5404 today to see if we can help!